assingment 2

Group Name: Captivate

This is the logo of our group.
Captive means....
To attrac
t :)
Done by Allyssa

Group Members
Allysa (Leader)


Our Assignment 2 Project consist of six stages before the final outcome. Here are the step

Stage 1 : Mindmapping -Logical, Associated
Stage 2
: Essay /Report

Stage 3
: Design Concept

Stage 4
: Juxtaposition

Stage 5 : Story board
Stage 6 : Short video

Stage 1 : Mindmapping -Logical, Associated

The General Idea:
Creativity in the Context of Multimedia University
This is the general mind map that we came out from our brain storming section.

The Focus Idea:
Multimedia vs Multimedia University
The idea of Multimedia is
come from this cutting edge century.

The mind map was created by the hard work of Kim , Cong & Allyssa
Idea was generate by the whole group, Captive Group.

Stage 2 : Essay /Report

The report was done by Fadriz.
He is gre
Created a 1228 words report...

Stage 3 : Design Concept

"What is your DESIGN CONCEPT?"

Design concept is the concept & topic that keep our design on track.

Such as our video, images....

Stage 4 : Juxtaposition

Multimedia is the combination of time-based media & Static media.

The design concept :
"Multimedia in Multimedia University"
Created by Allyssa

The puzzle image is show that,
To create a multimedia,
we have to complete the puzzle by imply
the animation, video or audio in to the media.....
Then it consider as multimedia.

Without the Animation, video or audio...
It is jus a simple media,
that daily we get in touch with it.

Stage 5 : Story board

The story board,
we follow the general topic of us too...
We will be having a video shooting around Multimedia University( as the topic is Creativity in The context of MMU).

We imply multimedia to our video.
Explaining the meaning of multimedia and media.

The ending part...
Is emphasizing on the Multimedia is the new idea of generation.

Stage 6 : Short video

Editor: Hilary(me)

Participant: Allyssa,Kim, Cong, Fadriz

Shooting Day


Our Final Output :)

Day of Presentation :)

Random Word/Image Association

mage taken from

Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.
Taken from Lecture notes

Associate Credit Card with Love.

Love is like a deception of dept,like credit card, we use because there is amount in it but in the end when we pay back the dept, that is when we know how much we owe. That is when we know that we love her that much.

Associate Chili with Life

Life is like spices. sometimes it make things aromatic sometimes it makes things hot. We must make sure everyday is a fresh day. As fresh as it gets, the aroma will spice up our life :)

How mergers goes wrong

Trying to combine 2 species of animals that couldn't survive. After trying a lot of animals the answer is this. Bird species and Fish Species.. fish need to breath underwater and with the body of a bird it can't swim underwater. Conclusion by my Lecturer = CANNOT SURVIVE :)


Juxtaposition is similar to contrast or also mean one object oppose one another.

Here is a good example of Juxtaposition

This ironic juxtaposition of two signs on a public beach reveals the complex task that society faces in protecting both land and water quality. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established National Beach Guidance and Performance Criteria for Recreational Waters designed to ensure the public's health and improve environmental protection for beaches. The Clean Water Act restricts discharges of pollutants into the nation's waterways.

Sources from :

Mind Mapping

lets start at the history of Mind Mapping? Who invented mind mapping? The answer is.........??? there is no really an exact answer to it. This is because the technique existed long ago. Many people say that the inventor of mind map is Tony Buzan but according to few articles.. Tony buzan is famous in mind mapping not because he invented it but he successfully marketed it.

The most important thing is that Mind Mapping is a very useful techniques to bring out ideas and creativity. Below is an example of mind mapping.

In class today
Using mind map on Mortar and Pestle
What do archeologist think of mortar and pestle in 1000 years in the future.

1) My first answer is the mortar and pestle can become a massage equipment. It is very useful especially to shape a round buttock. The mortar will act as the cover to the buttock and the pestle will hit the mortar. Do this everyday and you will get a round buttock. HEHEHE.

2) Second thing that come to my mine is that mortar and pestle can be use as sports equipment. The Pestle will act like a mini baseball bat and the mortar will act like a goal post. The mortar will be place to the ground and people will use the pestle to hit a small ball the size of ping pong ball. Whoever get the ball into the mortar will score point and when the game is over, the person with the highers points/scores win.

3) And the third thing that came to my mind is that mortar and pestle is an equipment to make fire. Because the mortar and pestle are made of stone, if stone hit stone hard enough it will generate spark. For the people to make fire, they will first put some dried leaves, grass or tweaks into the mortar and the pestle will hit the mortar in the middle to generate spark. Therefore the spark will eventually burn the dried leaves to make fire.

Novelty, Innovation and Invention


The quality or state of being novel, newness, freshness, recentness of origin or introduction


Is a new WAY of doing something or "new stuff that is made useful

here is some creative innovation from japan :)

The Japanese are experimenting with roads that are "tuned" with grooves so that the frequency of your tires on the road will play music. In order to hear the music properly, you have to drive at the speed of 28 MPH


Is a NEW composition, device or process. Some invention are base on pre-existing models or ideas and others are radical breakthroughs.

In my opinion, invention is something that is not created yet by anyone. The person who can created something that nobody has ever created, the creation then is called invention.
In our human history, i really appreciate invention. It makes our lives easier, help us understand how things work and making way for people to innovate. Here is one of the invention that i like because is without this invention, today human will suffer a lot through surgery and sewing up stitches and even circumcision. Lets appreciate this invention everyone.

The invention is called


What Character am i?

A tree??? ok... so im a tree?? lol. Just a character that define me.. This is drawn by my friend Rasyidi after the question and answer test in class and is certified by my lecture Mr. RADZI. The drawing of a tree symbol came from the idea that i am a very peaceful person. I like a place that is not that crowded or not that advance in technology. How can i put it? Hmm maybe pictures can explain better.

Example of "Pictures Speak a thousand words"...

Not a place i want to be in

Hmmm Home sweet home...

Well.. that should explained why my character is a TREE. :)

Welcome to Creative Studies.. Define Creativity

Semester 2 / 2009-2010. A new short semester covering only 8 weeks of classes. A challenge in taking creative studies. Am i in a dead end if im not creative enough?

Or is it just a beginning of a new journey to learn new things that i had never thought of before on how to be creative..
My personal opinion, to be creative sometimes we need to be very aware of the thing surrounding us. Take things into account, although personally i don't like complaining but sometimes through complaining is what brought creativity up. we Innovate from what we don't like or what we see.

OK now lets see the source of what it says about creativity.An article from web

What is Creativity?

By Linda Naiman

I define creativity as the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity involves two processes: think

ing, then producing. Innovation is the production or implementation of an idea. If you have ideas, but don't act on them, you are imaginative but not creative.

“Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being...creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness–ecstasy.”
— Rollo May, The Courage to Create

“A product is creative when it is (a) novel and (b) appropriate. A novel product is original not predictable. The bigger the concept, and the more the product stimulates further work and ideas, the more the product is creative.”
— Sternberg & Lubart, Defying the Crowd

About Me

Hi My name is Hilary Wong . Taking creative studies this sem

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us